Thursday, April 16, 2009

upstairs investigation

Ah, apartment living.

In the time I have lived where I currently reside, I have had 2 upstairs "neighbors". I have the most fun trying to figure out who these people are and what they do. The first lady I was convinced was a stripper. Really tan... as in - too tan for January. Reeeally thin. Reeally big boobs. She worked odd hours and always seemed to be rolling in around 4 or 5 am. She was really nice, but her little shit dog was not.

Well, she moved out and the space above me has taken on a new personality. My latest guess is single dad, two kids and a dog. Why? Because it gets exponentially louder on weekends and the footfalls racing down the hallway during that time are far too quick for any full-sized human.

So I think "single dad" must have a subscription to skinemax. The music coming from directly above me sounds like some seductive one-hit wonder from the 80's. Except its not fading in and out, in a Top Gun montage sort of way. It just keeps going and going...

That's not going to help me or Gertie get any sleep. And we need it. I hope this isn't his weekend to keep the rugrats.

Ah, wait (in real time), the music has stopped! Yesss!

Doctor's appointment is first thing tomorrow morning. Hopefully I'll figure out why my eye sockets feel like they're about to implode. Sinuses? Maybe? Any guesses?

Ok, g'night all, from me and the Gertie Girl. Its extra cold in the house, just for her. :)

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