Wednesday, October 14, 2009

'Bout My Where Abouts.

I'll have to skip all the chaos that was my journey to California. Packing up was stressful and tiring. Steven and I came close to biting each other's heads off.

Good thing we didn't take it that far.

Fastforward past the 8am flight, the shuttle driver who wouldn't help us lift our luggage into the van, the delay in Chicago due to heavy winds in San Francisco and, um, the barf bag usage during the hour-long "descent" into the Bay Area.

This morning, after unpacking the few suitcases and boxes that have already made it to Petaluma, we embarked on our "relaxation days" at "Camp Getaway." Steven's folks own a small cabin-esque home in Guerneville (sp?) on the Russian River and it really does live up to its name, Camp Getaway.

We stopped by a quaint [do Californians use the word "quaint"?] produce stand to pick up some oh-so-organic shiz for our meals in the next few days.

Then we drove on into the valley, passing the Korbel vineyards on the way. It was amazingly surreal. "Um, Steven, is that THE Korbel winery?" "Yes, and there's the Kendall-Jackson vineyards too." "Oh, ok... cool. Dang."

Now we've just finished a ridiculously tasty organic and gluten-free meal and are settling in by the fire. I helped cook the pork chops. Yes, it's true, I'll be top chef before you all know it. Except without the bad hats and cliche apron. Hey, I might even come back to Georgia a little pudgy. Heck yes.

Today I tasted two new things: 1. Mochi, a rice-ish delight, very tasty when drizzled with organic [key word] maple syrup, and 2. gluten-free, dairy-free bread [not all that tasty]. Oh, and 3. purple potatos. Very good!

Jet-lag is still kicking my butt, but that's ok - there's a cozy little queen-sized bunk waiting for me here at Camp Getaway. It's the best thing to be able to cuddle up with Steven without the "man... this won't last long because we have to leave each other soon" thoughts bubbling up in my mind. We still have a lot to learn about each other, but now we finally have the time to fight and make up and figure out how to express ourselves without worrying about disappearing sand from an hourglass.

To all my Georgia friends and family: though I'm happy and looking forward, I miss you all already and have thought about each and every one of you a dozen times.

Love bunches,


Saturday, October 3, 2009

AT&T Commercial

Everytime I see the AT&T commercial with the little girl and her lost dog, I cry. I actually break down into sobs.

When she sees her little terrier at the end of the commercial and starts running to her, yelling, "Sarah! You're HOME!"... I lose it. It's the desperate joy in her voice that gets me.

If I saw Gertie on my doorstep when I came home, I'd shreak with joy. Uncontrollable, pure joy.

I miss her so much that I think the hole in my heart is actually growing... if that's even possible.

Friday, October 2, 2009

I quit.

Seriously, I quit my job today.

Well, actually, I informed my boss that I was quitting about four weeks ago. But today was my last day at work. I cleaned out my cube, threw my belongings in a box and walked out.

The more emotional side of the story involves taking photos of my best friends, my family, Gertie Girl and Steven off my bulletin boards... and throwing away the clepto-esque concert posters I had collected and brought in as 'show and tell' after crazy fun weekends out on the town in the last few years.

I threw the keys to my file cabinets at Shane (my boss) in a melodramatic "We're through! You can have your keys back!" manner, and I hugged my favorite co-workers (minus two - Erin and Kellie were out of the office today).

Ah, but it's OK. I'm far too close to that group to lose touch with them. And there's still that get-together at TAP next week to look forward to.

So now on to the rest of my life. Tomorrow I have the dreaded swimsuit shoot with a completely new photographer - never worked with this guy before. Its not that I look bad in a bikini, it's just that I'm never completely ready to see the contact sheets and hear the "oh, we shouldn't use that one... it makes her stomach look weird." Or worse, "Ewww, bad angle."

At least, on this occasion, I'm not walking a runway in a two piece. I prefer to do that completely clothed.

Sunday my parents are driving up to secure my antique dresser and a few odds and ends that I can't make room for in Petaluma or Girona. It'll be good to see my folks, but I have to convince myself to get more organized/packed in my apartment before then - so my dad won't shake his head in the way I imagine most military dads shake their heads in disapproval. "I love you, Daaaad. Don't worry, I'll get it all cleaned up. See look - I made a spreadsheet and a list of exactly how to execute this move across the country."

Hmm... on that note... I should get a few things done around here before going to bed.

El fin de semana esta aqui. Esta bien, mi amigos.